
I participated in the charity event for Catholic Charities’ Food Pantry. This is a very important charity to the community because they help to give food and supplies to those who are struggling. When I arrived, I was happy to see that the food donations have increased. The shelves were full and people were pulling up in cars full of food to offer donations. I helped to carry in the food donations and stocked the shelves, while also packaging nutrient-dense foods and basic utilities into bags to give out to anyone who approached us for help. I was surprised to see that Amazon donated a large number of bags containing baby products, and products for the elderly. The Amazon donations also contained items such as toothbrushes and moisturizer. I made sure to add those to the food bags as well, and the people who received them were very happy about it. As always, I also helped to carry in boxes that were stored in the storage unit, unpack them, and add them to the shelves as well.


I found the reproductive module very interesting. I was always aware of the basics of contraceptives, but it was refreshing to have a more in depth understanding of it. I also enjoyed the information about gonadotropins, estrogen, and the effects of gender and age on the response to specific drugs because they are a cause of many problems in a large portion of the population, especially as they get older, and having a better understanding of the adverse effects caused by fluctuations in hormones, whether by administration or disease, will improve the way in which I interact and provide treatment to patients.  

February hours: 4

Total hours: 8


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